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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello Everyone,

Happy Valentine's Day. My Valentine is pictured above, a few years ago but these are some of my favorite pictures of her. Her and Big Daddy sent me a dozen red roses today. They are pretty and smell great! Love is in the air...

About the crystal/gem Rose Quartz -
Self Love and Acceptance - Pink quartz (rose quartz) allows you to be in touch with your basic self. It will allow you to get to know your true self and to love that true self in all its beauty. It can also allow you to communicate internally with your spirit guides, which means you may or may not be aware of them but they are teaching you all the same.
Rose Quartz is a good stone for someone who has trouble loving themselves or accepting love from another because they do not believe that they are worthy of being loved. It loves soft running river water to clean and recharge and moonlight. Big Daddy is carrying a Rose Quartz sphere in his pocket right now that I gave him last week. Some people say don't share your crystals or gems. I believe that if you have the right intention, no harm and it could bring inspiration and healing to those who need it. What a great crystal for Valentine's Day and everyday for love!

Happy Valentine's to all.

With love and gratitude, Janelle