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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hey Julie, I'm back!!!!

What up peeps?

I crack myself up!

Been awhile since I've written. Since we've last talked I have:

been to a rock and gem show, looked into some more product, found 2 more places to consign (with awesome people I may add!), listened to a bunch of pod casts about lots of things I am interested in, worked a lot, had great conferences at school for the little princess, went to the AT meeting in St. Cloud today - good to see everyone after a few months (Hey Erin - what up?)!

So, Friday I am taking my mom to Sister Kenny to get the results of her neuro-psych evaluation from last month, should be interesting. Then, Friday night I am hoping to attend a meeting of the Anoka County Gem and Mineral Club. They hold their meetings on Friday nights, now if I can find the exact location on the piece of paper I had it on, we would be good to go for sure!!!

So, that is about it. Lots more going on but not enough time to tell it all today. Everyone have a spectacular day! Talk soon.

Love and gratitude,
